"Call of Duty Theater" character call: all 16 character cards and how to get your character card

2021-11-25 06:11:25 By : Ms. Amy Yang

Are you a survivor, a fighter, or an air striker?

In many ways, maintaining your Warzone statistics is as important as playing the game itself. Knowing your position can (and should) influence the decisions you make in the game, so it's always a good idea to always know your statistics and performance. The publisher Activision has just implemented a new method to summarize and share everyone's game style through a new character call system. We have seen such a statistical card before, but the uniqueness of role calling is that it can identify your gameplay and provide each user with a specific role card. How do you get your character card? How does it decide which one to give you?

Much like the previous statistics card, including your kill ratio, your victory record and other forms of evaluation, the role call system is a new way to share your performance with friends. It doesn't do anything in the game-on the contrary, it will assign you one of 16 different characters according to your gameplay, with art related to each character.

You can then share this character card on social media so that your friends and followers know what type of player you are. Although this does not involve the nature of your data, it does give other players a rough idea of ​​how you play.

It is not clear what specific qualifications are required to obtain a specific position, but you can infer some things from each title. For example, Survivor is likely to be a player who usually ends up in Warzone matches, while Sharpshooter may like to sniper.

To learn about your character, visit the Call of Duty Character Phone website and select the "find out" option. Then, log in to your account. After logging in, the site will spit out character cards for you according to your game style.

You can then share the results on Twitter or Facebook, and even download custom images to your device. I was assigned the role of survivor, which is described as follows:

There are other roles related to the use of weapons.

You can assign a total of 16 different roles. Some people’s qualifications are more obvious than others, but in most cases, you can infer what type of player someone is based on the following roles:

"Call of Duty: Warzone" is now available for free on PS4, Xbox One and PC.