Dragon Ball Super Card Game: Saiyan Showdown Booster Box Open

2021-11-25 06:48:48 By : Mr. Gordon Zhang

Yesterday, Bandy released a new Dragon Ball Super Card game set. Saiyan Showdown is the 15th main series and the 6th expansion pack of the Unison Warrior series. The full name is Unison Warrior Series BOOST – Saiyan Showdown. This extension records some of the best Saiyan and Saiyan battles in anime and manga, including Goku and Vegeta from the Saiyan legend, and from the Dragon Ball Z movie. Gohan and Ters in the Tree of the Trees, Goku and his sons and the movie Broly: Broly in the second coming, and finally, the 6th Universe Saiyan and his performance during the Power Tournament Evolution. The set also includes the debut of the DBSCG of the European-style character Fin of the magic cloth in "Dragon Ball Heroes". For our first Saiyan showdown on Bleeding Cool, I am opening a booster pack for this brand new expansion pack.

If you open the last few sets of boxes, the first thing you will see when cracking the replenishment box of the Saiyan decisive battle will be familiar. Just like the previous Cross Spirits and Supreme Rivalry, the Saiyan Showdown box comes with the expected 24 booster packs... and a box top hat. The box hat can be SR (Super Rare) or SPR (Special Rare) in the set. For the box I opened for Bleeding Cool, I received the Giant Meteor SR, which is characterized by Broly's incredibly powerful attacks.

I found that this is the standard box for Dragon Ball Super Solitaire. I mean I pulled five SRs and two SPRs from the top of my box. This is basically the most common box you will open, and the least. The box can also include an SCR (Secret Rare) or a God Pack, which is an all-foil booster pack that will eventually generate larger hits, which will increase the total number of main pulls. A box with both SCR and God Pack is called God Box. Through multiple openings on YouTube and I personally watched at the local card shop, I can confirm the existence of God Boxes for the Saiyan matchup. We were not lucky enough to get one, but we did get quite a lot of SR and SPR. This is a glimpse of what I pulled.

I prefer Videl SR here, she wore the very ridiculous costume in the second Broly movie.

From the jump point of view, I do feel that the SPR in the Saiyan matchup is generally weaker than other recent series. These SPRs seem to focus on recreating the scene rather than capturing interesting character poses, and I personally think this is more effective for SR because there is less foil on the card. SPR art is best kept simple. However, I did pull an Absolute Monster SPR, and I put it there along with any of the previous releases. This Vegeta SPR, you can check it out below, reproduces the moment he charged his Galick Gun and eventually became one of the greatest beam fights in anime. Although there are more weak SPRs in this series than Cross Spirits and other Unison Warrior series, there are some that stand out as beautifully illustrated and perfectly designed cards.

In general, I am satisfied with my rally and will eagerly crack more Saiyan showdowns. Compared to certain artworks, I am more excited about the Saiyan focus of the series, but I must admit that this may be because I have been spoiled by the improved quality series. I think we have seen Bandai try some different art styles, which is good, and the SCRs here are great choices. I think this is a good start to a strong series, and Bandai’s other outstanding 2021 DBSCG products are only slightly overshadowed.

Stay tuned for the Dragon Ball Super Card Game: Outer World Warrior Series BOOST-Saiyan Showdown product more open.

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